Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Who's Your Daddy!

ever since I can remember Panda Express making the Orange Chicken more spicy....
I have HATED it!

Nik on the other hand LOVES it!
Sometimes if there isn't anything else that looks good he will get double Orange Chicken.
I can't stand it.
Sometimes it is so overpowering I feel my nose hairs fry off.

Well, ever since this baby landed in my belly...
...I have been CRAVING Orange Chicken.
I just can't get enough.

So....all I can say is that Nik is definitely the daddy...
And the baby has his taste buds.

So I texted Nik to tell him this:
This baby is DEFINITELY yours!
Not just for obvious reasons but also because
I can't stop craving Orange Chicken!

He replied:
If it is MY baby, as you claim,
It would crave TimTams and Dawna.
Seeing as how it OBVIOUSLY hates you
And you have not craved the chocolatey goodness that is TimTam...
It is OUR baby.

So he obviously took the "yours" in my text too literally...but his reply cracks me up.
"Seeing as it OBVIOUSLY hates you..."
For the last couple days it has been non-stop discomfort of the stomach.
(just an fyi)

He is so funny.
I love him!
So I just replied and said
Meant to say YOU are DEFINITELY the FATHER.
Oh well...he is still cute and funny.


  1. Okay just so you know...I have had problems since being pregnant and the couple of times I have eaten at Panda. I would highly suggest not doing it. I'm convinced it's not real food...even though the Orange Chicken is amazing :)

  2. I love Nik's reply - too funny! And, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed the orange chicken getting spicier...blah! So gross!

  3. Oh, Honey, I am SO GLAD that you're BLOGGING again!!!! I have MISSED this talent of yours!! I saw the title and just LAUGHED out LOUD!!!! And I DO like Nik's response! Too funny!!! Love you both! ;>

  4. congrats! i had no idea! so excited for you!

    and yes, things is probably one of our most favorite games next to catch phrase!

  5. Hmm my comment the other day must have been deleted somehow...I saw the blog the other day and started laughing, I knew you were pregnant with that post on your old blog! Congratulations though! If there's anything I can do - advice to offer, shoulder to lean on, whatever, please let me know! Don't know if you know, but I'm prego right now with #2!

  6. First of all Dawna, thanks for all the fun comments on my blog:)
    Second of all, this blog is so adorable and such a good idea. You are going to love reading over all of this in a few years.
    Third of all, I'm so excited that you are pregnant! You two will have one cute baby, I'm sure of it.
    Also this story is hilarious.
