Friday, February 4, 2011


...Well it's all down hill from here!!!

This is what says about Little Miss Berry this week...

Your Baby: Week 20

Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium ??? (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), Yum! How bout I just feed you cookies instead! Good idea? I'd say so! which will fill the first diaper after birth. Nobody told me about THIS! Thought it was just labor and delivery for that day. Joy! (but really I AM excited!!!!) And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed!
Isn't this all exciting!
It still amazes me that there is a little baby growing inside me...
...a real little baby.
A baby that kicks, moves, dances, has hiccups, and sucks on her thumbs.
How crazy, cool, amazing, and beautiful is that?!?!
It just keeps amazing me!

After yesterday and her little Dance Session, I can't help but live for those moments.
She was moving around yesterday morning for over an hour.
Big dance moves too.
It was so cool to lay there and know she is living and having fun.
I didn't want to move or even breathe, 
in fear I would miss something.
She is amazing!

Well as I was laying in bed listening to the radio...
...I heard this!
You can click on the link for the article from KTAR.
It made me happy.
I'm not going to get all political here, just sharing my brief opinion that I like this.
It just breaks my heart to think about ending my little baby's life.
I love her too much already.
I have loved her from the day I read the 'stick' telling me I am pregnant.
I have loved this whole experience and can only imagine it getting BETTER from here!
For the rest of my life!

So...being half way makes my baby about the size of a canteloupe!
(6.5 inches, 10.6 ounces)
How fun is that!?!
Just another melon before the Big Watermelon I will give birth to!

Ahhh...I could go on forever...but I will stop for now. =]

1 comment:

  1. The meconium isn't bad, I promise. It doesn't smell, but it is sticky. It's there for the first few days. You'll want lots to come out or else your baby will get jaundiced. Jack got a little bit jaundiced but not too bad.
    Congrats on being half-way done! The best things are from here on out. So excited for you!
