Let me just take a brief overview of the last two weeks - I have been tired but not really fatigued. Just when 9pm comes around I hit a brick wall. I have been cramping as my body is changing and growing. I have a new favorite seat in the house...the porcelain throne. (The books really didn't kid around about going to the bathroom SO MUCH! Unbelievable.) I have needed to eat more and more often. I try to eat more little meals through the day....but it seems like I am ALWAYS hungry. I cry over commercials on air and on tv. It's actually pretty ridiculous. I try not to let others see me when that happens because it would be quite embarrassing. I have been extremely hot...kicking the covers off at night and not getting comfortable. It sure is a good thing the winter is coming up...I need the warmth. (Now enough with the sentences that start with the letter I, it's driving me nuts) Last week I had to start using the rubberband with my pants...that is kinda depressing but I guess it is just a part of the job. I am gonna love it!!!
But jumping to today and going forward....I am exhausted. I fell asleep doing my coupons last night at 9:30. Nik was so sweet to tuck me in and turn off the lights. I woke up this morning at 7am....but I am so tired. This is the first official day of exhaustion. I have times (usually after lunch) where I get tired but not the physical exhaustion. I have to turn my ipod on in the morning on my drive into work and sing at the top of my lungs to keep me from falling asleep in that long one hour drive to work. Can I drink caffeine? I kinda quit soda at the beginning of October....only to drink a Sprite when my stomach isn't happy....but I'm thinking I am going to need the caffeine. Agh. I don't know.
I am in my 7th week and have my first OB appt in 2 weeks. So excited! Nik will be there with me (unless work keeps him). Hopefully everything goes smoothly and we get to hear that heart beating 150beats/minute. Our baby is now the size of a blueBERRY. haha.
Nik talks to my belly already and says if it is a boy his name is Melvin and a girl is Gloria. lol. Of course these are not the names we will be giving them....but he likes to joke around and have fun. We don't really want to give the baby a name and call it by name while in my belly...only when the baby arrives.
Week 7 is almost to an end. Crazy!!! We're having fun so far.
Except for tonight...we have class until 10pm. NOT looking forward to that! I can barely make it past 9 while I am doing nothing.
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2 years ago
Bahahahaha!!! I can actually picture Nik talking to your belly!! Melvin?? Gloria?? Too FUNNY!! ;>