NAUSEA: a stomach distress with distaste for food and an urge to vomit.
Do you know what is causing said Nausea right now?
This little RASPBERRY in my belly!
Well that raspberry is graduating to a green olive (which REALLY makes me vomit) this coming week.
It just amazes me that something so small and so wonderful can be so painful and life changing…
and it hasn’t even shown itself to the world.
Nik is so wonderful and he is trying his best everyday to make me comfortable. I appreciate the fact that he does NOT say “I know how you feel” because he doesn’t. He just tries to make things better for me…running and getting me my crackers or a fresh glass of water and then rubbing my back. I am so blessed to have him with me on this journey.
My doctor gave me some meds that are suppose to help ease the nausea.
Getting that prescription filled as I type!
Oh, and it was the most precious thing, yesterday, to see Lil Berry ’s heart beating. How crazy is it that a little being about 1inch in length has a little heart and it BEATS?!?! Seriously!
And people say it isn't a human yet!?! Now, THAT is sick!
The sound of the 160 beats per minute is just breath-taking…to know that some little human is growing inside me and I am responsible for him/her right now BEFORE s/he is even born by eating right and getting good rest and taking the proper vitamins. This is all just so amazing to me. I still lie awake at night and can’t believe this is possible.
The doctor said Lil
We are so excited to tell our friends and families next month.
It sure has been hard keeping it a secret and having to fib when people ask.
It sure has been hard keeping it a secret and having to fib when people ask.
(It's funny to think I am blogging all about this and it is JUST for me right now,
but I type it as though you are following along right now.
A little therapy, you could call it.)
I am 9 weeks right now and in my 3rd month. That is so weird to think about.
Well, that is what is new with us. Nik keeps telling me that because of all the pain I am having now, this child is going to be an angel. I sure hope so! ;-)
(P.S.Sorry if this is so scatter-brained...
I am having a hard time thinking straight right now.
Lil Berry's brain is growing right now, stealing mine.
Plus, Fatigue, Nausea, and early mornings are rough.)
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